Data rozpoczęcia i zakończenia wydarzenia
2021-07-11 - 2021-07-25
Nazwa obiektu: Microsoft Teams platform
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KN The American Law Society z Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UAM, Center For American Studies
Opis wydarzenia
The Center For American Studies and the American Law Society would like to invite you to take part in the 2nd International Summer School in the Foundations of Democracy: American Law, Politics & Economy, which will be held in Poznań on July 11 until July 25, 2021.
Official summer school video on YouTube:
Fascinating American legal system and key democratic principles
Ideas that continously influence the American society and politics
Meanders of the American economy and the American history of exceptional economic development
Functioning of the United States in the modern world politics and the international arena
Our Summer School offers a unique opportunity to expand your knowledge of democratic theory thanks to our broad, interdisciplinary, and Socratic approach.
Seminar-style workshops led by internationally renowned experts from the United States, Poland, and Germany as well as the open-debate format of each course will create a stimulating learning environment for all participants.
The workshop format guarantees that the participants will gain practical skills (argumentation, group-work, critical thinking) necessary for professional development and successful community work
The Summer School will consist of four courses, covering the legal-political outline of the constitutional system of the United States, American economic thought, U.S. foreign affairs and international relations, and the political-philosophical ideas that paved the ground for the foundation of the American state and nation.
American Constitutional Law
Instructor: Prof. Susanna Frederick Fischer
(The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law) Economics of the Free Society: Money and Banking in the USA
Instructor: Dr. Karl-Friedrich Israel
(Institute of Economic Policy, Leipzig University) U.S. Foreign Affairs and International Relations
Instructor: Prof. David Jones (University of Warsaw) American Social and Political Philosophy
Instructor: Luke Bartosik, LL.M.
(President of CFAS) Special Guest: Patrick Higgins, M.A. (University of Lodz)
Social Events
Our Summer School is not only learning but also about developing cross-cultural relationships with other participants! During the previous edition, our participants visited restaurants, clubs, and pubs in Poznan, played pool, and did a city sightseeing tour. We plan to have even more activities in 2021! Student Conference
On a day following the closing of the Summer School, we will host a student conference on American Law, Philosophy, Politics & Economics. Presenting during the conference is FREE for all qualified summer school participants. (Your participation in the conference is voluntary, but highly encouraged). Check out the separate conference Facebook event to learn more about it!
We welcome applications from both undergraduate and graduate students as well as alumni of all disciplines.Even though we expect most of the applications to come from students of law, political science, philosophy, economics, international relations, and sociology, we will welcome your application regardless of your specific educational background as long as you demonstrate your desire to actively engage in each workshop and discussion panels.We hold a strong preference for candidates who demonstrate the willingness and/or capacity to implement the democratic principles learned during the summer school in their own professional and community work.We welcome applications from all countries, but we are not responsible for your visa arrangements. We can, however, provide you with a confirmation letter, in case of your acceptance to the program (if you need a visa to come to Poland, please apply by February 1, 2021).
Please apply using the following Google form: (we do not accept applications sent via e-mail)
Your CV/resume should also include the following clause regarding personal data processing:I agree to the processing of my personal data for the purposes of realizing the recruitment process, in pursuance of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). I acknowledge and consent to the rules of personal data processing by the Center For American Studies, for the purposes of realizing the recruitment process and participating in the International Summer School in American Law, Politics & Economy 2021, available on the FB event page:
The final deadline for your application is April 1st, 2021 but we will be admitting participants on a rolling basis. It is highly advised that you apply as early as possible since the number of participants is limited (note that if you get accepted before any of these deadlines you will be requested to pay the participation fee earlier).
Early-bird fee: 249 euros* (if you apply before March 1, 2021)
Regular fee: 299 euros* (if you apply before April 1, 2021)The price includes Summer School materials and lunch during 10 days of seminars.* Look below for information about full and partial scholarships.We are not responsible for your travel costs and we do not provide accommodation for the participants of the Summer School. We will, however, do our best to assist you in choosing the right hostel or hotel should you have any questions.We will also add all accepted applicants to a common Facebook group on which you will be able to arrange accommodation with other participants of the program, such as by renting an apartment through AirBnB. Participants of our previous program have done it successfully. We deeply encourage cross-cultural friendships! CFAS SCHOLARSHIPS
We can provide selected participants with OVER 30 FULL or PARTIAL CFAS Scholarships (in the form of summer school fee refunds given during the Summer School).In order to get the scholarship, fill out the registration form, including your Scholarship Statement (300-500 words) stating the reasons why you think you should get the Scholarship. We will provide CFAS scholarships based on a first-come/first-served basis, considering need and merit.
• January 1, 2021 – deadline for participants admitted to the 2020 edition
• March 1, 2021 – early bird deadline (lower participation fee)
• April 1, 2021 – final deadline for submitting your application
(keep in mind we will be admitting participants on a rolling basis so do not wait until last minute! We advise applying as soon as possible since the number of participants we can admit is limited due to logistical reasons)
• April 7, 2021 – final notification of your registration
• April 10, 2021 – final deadline for the Summer School fee (for those accepted earlier, there will be a separate deadline)
• July 11 - July 24, 2021 – The CFAS Summer School
• July 25, 2021 – International Student Conference "American Legal, Political & Economic
Thought: Theoretical Reflections & Contemporary Challenges" (voluntary participation)
ROLLING BASIS ACCEPTANCE – what does it mean?
Admitting applicants on a rolling basis means that you have the possibility of receiving an acceptance letter to participate in the Summer School BEFORE April 7, 2020. This is especially important if you want to book your flight in advance and/or need to get a visa.If we do not get back to you in 2 weeks since the date of the submission of your application, it means that you are put on the reserve list and will receive a notification as to the status of your application before or on April 7, 2021. Nevertheless, we usually review applications within a week (and that's when you can expect an answer).
If you want to know more about the Center For American Studies go to our website:
If you have any questions regarding the Summer School, please send us a message on Facebook or send us an e-mail at cfas.summerschool@gmail.comWe are looking forward to receiving your application.
See you in Poznań!
This project was financed, in part, with funding from the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, Poland. The views and opinions expressed herein should be understood to be solely those of the author(s).
Opłaty za uczestnictwo:
249 EUR / 299 EUR
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