Data rozpoczęcia i zakończenia wydarzenia

2019-10-10 - 2019-10-11


Nazwa obiektu: Wydział Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej UJ
Ulica i numer: Łojasiewicza 4
Miasto i kod: 30-348 Kraków


Institute of Culture of Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Cracow University of Economics, Silesian University of Technology and the Weltethos Institute

Opis wydarzenia

The 2019 Seventh Annual Humanistic Management Conference will take place on October 10. and 11. 2019 in Krakow, Poland organized and sponsored by the Institute of Culture of Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Cracow University of Economics, Silesian University of Technology and the Weltethos Institute.

Business is not a self-serving exercise as we rightfully expect business to make a positive impact on society, acting with solidarity and actively catering to the common good. While this expectation stands in conflict with a singular focus on maximizing shareholder value, we argue that it is fully aligned with Humanistic Management principles which aim to deliver sustainable value along the triple bottom line.

At our 2019 conference we will therefore discuss the nexus between solidarity, the common good and Humanistic Management. We will assess and test the hypothesis that acting with solidarity and catering to the common good are part and parcel of a Humanistic Management paradigm just as much as they are a necessity for us to find solutions to some of the most pressing challenges we face as a global community. We will explore how respect for the dignity of life, integrating ethical considerations in management decisions and engaging with stakeholders can help business deliver to the common good whilst providing a checkpoint for a genuine commitment to solidarity.

We gladly present to you the 2019 Seventh Annual Humanistic Management Conference in Krakow, Poland on the topic of: Solidarity and the Common Good. We will convene in one of the world’s oldest Universities right in the heart of Europe and have built an interactive program spanning two days to offer you keynotes, workshops, paper sessions, panels, ample networking opportunities and the launch of the Humanistic Management Network Poland Chapter.

Come join us at the 2019 Seventh Annual Humanistic Management Conference – together we make impact towards a more sustainable and more equitable planet.

On behalf of everyone at the Humanistic Management Network we look forward to welcoming you in Krakow.

Call for Papers & Posters The 2019 Seventh Annual Humanistic Management Conference Organizing Committee invites papers and poster presentations on any of the following three themes or related subjects. The conference will take place on the 10. - 11. October 2019 at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. The following pages provide guidance on the themes as well as formal aspects of this call. In addition you can find registration details and further information on the conference on our conference webpage under: www.humanisticmanagement.events



1) Track One: Climate Crisis – Management in the Anthropocene

The Anthropocene is a proposed geological epoch of significant human impact on (among others) earth’s ecosystems, including anthropogenic climate changes and global warming, expected to change the social organization of our reality during the life of generations now living. Short term interests of corporate giants and sadly many politicians make impossible addressing the problems, even though the resolutions already exist (IPCC reports recommendations). Socially and humanistically responsible radical decisions made by conscious managers are key answers to the problem, but the question is how to raise the awareness for widespread solidary actions and in what way can common good (the planet) be a motivation in the world of competition.

2) Track Two: Inequality – Managing the Convergence

Inequality in most societies is at the levels met only before revolutions and violent conflict.  Companies seeking ever greater profit and the partial dependency of politicians on businesses effectively reduce opportunities for political action based on solidarity (e.g. measures aiming at fair distribution). Despite unprecedented levels of wealth accumulated globally today we are struggling as a global community to find innovative ways of distributing that wealth in ways that allow for a dignified life for all. Can humanistic management contribute to tackling inequality and if so how?

3) Track Three: Actors – Politics, Business & Management

What can and what should politics, business and management do individually and collectively to nourish acts of solidarity and strengthen their positive impact on the common good. How can these actors collaborate and innovate to co-create solutions for the challenges we face as a global community? Overcoming strong populist movements that have surged in worrisome ways all over the world is a prerequisite thereof and simplistic explanations of the rise of populism fall just as short as the simplistic solutions populists promise to complex problems. So what is the role of the  relationship between politics, business and management on the rise of populism, how can this relationship contribute to overcoming it and how can actors be motivated to act with solidarity?



  • Announcement of Call for Papers: 06. May 2019
  • Proposal submission deadline for papers or posters: 31. July 2019
  • Notification of Acceptance: 18. August 2019
  • Conference registration deadline for accepted presenters (Presenter tickets Including daytime catering are 90 Euros): 01. September 2019
  • Conference: 10. – 11. October 2019
  • Submission deadline of papers invited for publication in a special issue journal: 31. December 2019



  • The conference language, including all proposal and full paper submissions is English.
  • Submissions are to be sent via email by 31. July 2019 to: conference@humanisticmanagement.network
  • Proposals for 20-minute presentations or posters should include:
  • Paper title and abstract (maximum 250 Words) or poster draft
  • Biographical note with speakers/authors title and institutional affiliation (maximum 80 words per person)
  • Speakers / author contact details
  • Papers will be presented on the morning of 11. October and posters will be on display throughout the conference



For the potential inclusion in a special issue of Organization & Management Scientific Quarterly full papers should be submitted by the 31. December 2019 to conference@humanisticmanagement.network. All accepted papers will be double-blind reviewed and considered for publication in the special issue (formatting guidelines available here http://oamquarterly.polsl.pl/?page_id=21). Authors will be contacted after reviews to assess potential publication. Papers should not exceed 40 000 characters (Times New Roman, 12 pt) in length including spaces and references and should include:

  • Authors title, name, surname, affiliation, contact information

(address, e-mail address, phone) - on the first page

  • Paper title, paper abstract (maximum 250 words), keywords

(maximum 6) - on the 2nd page

  • Main text, bibliography.
  • Style guide should align with preference of the above Journals.



Posters will be compiled as an online publication on the Humanistic Management Network Website. To be included in this online publication please send a pdf version of your poster by 01. November 2019 to conference@humanisticmanagement.network

Opłaty za uczestnictwo:

90 euro

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