Ethics By Design: Responsible Development Of Technology

Data rozpoczęcia i zakończenia wydarzenia

2022-06-23 - 2022-06-24


Nazwa obiektu: online
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Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Organizacji i Zarządzania w Przemyśle ORGMASZ; Wydział Filozofii, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Opis wydarzenia

Call for Papers: Ethics by Design: Responsible Development of TechnologyThe Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Organisation and Management in Industry „ORGMASZ”
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw 

This call for papers is directed to established researchers connected with research and development fields, ethics, bioethics, philosophy and Horizon Europe programme. We also invite students and junior researchers that just start their work within selected fields and wish to present their findings and ideas. The Organizing Committee has selected a few topics that might be viewed by participants as interesting or stimulating to drafting their own presentation.

The main idea of the conference is to create and spread awareness about ethical aspect of technological development. With the approach of not only presenting established scientists but also building a platform for upcoming ones and enthusiasts, the conference will be sectioned into four main panels. Three of them will be divided by topics, housing key speakers and established scientists, while last one will be exclusive opportunity for students and young researchers to present their ideas.

Approach of “Ethics by Design” aims to enhance current and future progress of scientific development by adhering human factor and values within said process. Combining philosophy, ethics, social sciences and components of “hard science” we aim to discuss and enhance grounds for sustainable development. Following European Union’s actions in fields like medicine, AI and research and development programmes we set out to combine the experiences to create possible new actions regarding creating policies and direct actions within research.

Topic areas of conference:

  • “Ethics-by-design” approach to development of new technologies and policies;
  • Responsible Research and Innovations /  Mission driven approach;
  • Qualitative methods in technological research;
  • Ethical aspects of application of AI in medical technologies;
  • Sociology of medical research;
  • ESG (Envinronmental, Social, Governance): ethical and sustainability transformation.

Language of conference: English
Abstracts: We invite abstracts in English, up to 500 words       
Submission deadline: Abstracts should be received by 30.05 and acceptance notifications will be sent out by 07.06.2022

Selected papers will have a 20 minute presentation followed by a 10 minute question time. The conference will be an online event. All lectures and panel discussions will be held on the ZOOM platform. Please do inform beforehand whenever you’d wish to use additional methods of presentation  (images, videos). 

Opłaty za uczestnictwo:

0 PLN (konferencja bezpłatna)

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