Citizen-centric eGovernment in the European Union

Data rozpoczęcia i zakończenia wydarzenia

2022-06-08 - 2022-06-09


Nazwa obiektu: Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University Bracka 12 St. Larisch Palace Auditorium Hall
Ulica i numer: Bracka 12
Miasto i kod:


Jagiellonian University in Krakow Chair of European Law in cooperation with Pedagogical University of Cracow Institute of Law and Economics

Opis wydarzenia

The theme of the conference is the analysis of the implementation and functioning of e-
government in Poland and in Europe, with a particular emphasis on the impact of digitalisation

on public administration activities for citizens. The digital transformation of administration is
seen as a response to the need to adapt public administration activities to the changing needs of
the society.
The ambition of the Organising Committee is to stimulate and initiate a scientific debate
involving academics and practitioners on the question whether information and communication
technologies make European and domestic administrations more citizen-oriented?
Special attention will be directed towards e-government as a basis for direct and indirect
improvement in the quality of people's lives. The aim of the Jean Monnet Module Conference
is to establish the impact of new technological channels of interaction between administration
and citizens, on the organisational structure and dynamics of public administration and on the
delivery of public services.
As the Polish public administration functions in the European administrative space, the
scientific reflection on the eGovernment issues in the EU and other European countries,
including the countries of the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkans, is also required.
The issue of using electronic tools within the framework of cooperation between national and
European administration will also be discussed.
The conference has an interdisciplinary character including such fields as: law,
economics, science of administration, management. The eGovernment will be analysed in terms
of: current changes and trends in Polish and European administrative law; organization and
management in public administration; the concepts, priorities and activities of the public
authorities; relations between representatives of public administration and citizens; historical
and socio-political conditions of changes in public administration resulting from its

Opłaty za uczestnictwo:

450 zł / 250 zł

Strona internetowa:

Citizen-centric eGovernment in the European Union
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