Call for Chapters: In/Exclusions. Social Responsibility of Institutions

Data rozpoczęcia i zakończenia wydarzenia

2020-07-09 - 2020-07-31


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Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. J. Tischnera/ Tischner European University

Opis wydarzenia


In/Exclusions. Social Responsibility of Institutions

Deadline for full manuscript submission: 31 July 2020

Full manuscript submission email:

The publication is meant to explore the concept of social responsibility of institutions running through two our conferences (Towards Social Responsibility of Institutions: Education, Public Health and Design, 2019, and In/Visible. Designs of Social Experience, 2020).

The 2019 conference, Towards Social Responsibility of Institutions: Education, Public Health and Design, strived to examine the responsibilities of institutions in the times of Anthropocene where, for the next generations, there comes along a future of wars over resources, climate refugees and animal and plant species on the brink of extinction. In a number of social and political theories, the present is also painted in bleak colours: capitalocentric obsession with profit-making, depression becoming the most common illness in the West, or the space we inhabit becoming less and less socially and environmentally friendly.
With the Towards… conference, we set out to explore ways in which the institutions of education, public health and design, understood not only as state or private structures but also, and most importantly, as fields of expertise and experience which determine the socio-economic terrain, can make a difference. What is then, in the time of Anthropocene, the role of institutions that determine the well-being of society? How to think social responsibility of the institutions shaping policies of education, public health and spatial design of the environment? How do they condition one another? How, and to what extent, can spontaneous outbursts of social resistance influence the dynamics and trajectory of those institutions? And, finally, how can we think a world where 1) the institutions of education motivate humans to live lives founded on social responsibility, social equality and identity liberation; 2) depression and life anxiety in society remain as low as possible, and (3) the space we inhabit and share contributes to our well-being?
Whereas the 2019 conference examined the workings and perspectives of macro-level institutions in the wider context of Anthropocene and its neoliberal futures, the upcoming In/Visible conference (see the CFP) looks into, on the one hand, the mechanisms through which macro-level structures and institutions of knowledge production cement normative power relations, upholding prejudices, exclusions and inequalities; and on the other hand, the ways in which academics and activists bring to the fore ‘inaudible’ voices, ‘invisible’ positionalities or overlooked landscapes, thus challenging, undermining and, eventually, reorganising those structures and institutions of knowledge production.
Social responsibility would then appear as investment, engagement and work performed by activists, academics and institutions, and it can be understood in different ways as, for example, the nurturing of the social element within capitalism, or the egalitarianisation of the material and cultural conditions in which society (or societies) lives. The interplay between the words “inclusion” and “exclusion”, in turn, implies the dynamics of institutions as embracing or shunning particular teleologies of socio-economic development.

We invite papers that explore any of the territories we have delineated in this CFP as well as those that seek to cut through all of them, making an inspiring, critical intervention.

Rafał Majka, PhD in cultural studies

Anna Treska-Siwoń, PhD candidate in arts

Monika Różalska, PhD in social sciences

Rafał Majka holds a PhD in cultural studies from SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities. He also graduated in English Philology from the University of Silesia and did a postgraduate study in Gender Studies at the University of Warsaw. In 2019 he published a book on contemporary left philosophies of social change entitled Teraźniejsze przyszłości. Współczesne wyobraźnie lewicowe [Futures Present. Contemporary Left Imaginaries]. He is a co-editor of InterAlia: Journal of Queer Studies ( For over a decade he has been active in leftist, feminist, LGBT, queer social movements. His research interests involve public health, non-normative masculinities, HIV/AIDS activism, biomedicine, sex regimes, contemporary political philosophies, gender and queer studies, social movements.

Anna Treska-Siwoń is a PhD candidate in arts and an expert for Graphic Arts and Multimedia studies at Tischner European University. She graduated in Arts from the Pedagogical University of Cracow. She has been working in the field of digital art since 1998. In 2009 she was granted a Web Fashion Award for the design of the Delsey brand website. In her work she designs mainly visual identifications, wayfinding, containers and packages, and print advertising. She has taught graphic design since 2011. In her PhD project, supervised by Prof. Jacek Mrówczyk (Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, Tischner European University), she works on a series of publications for children and adults titled Projektant i Użytkownik [Designer and user].

Monika Różalska holds a Ph.D. in social sciences in the field of political sciences (Jagiellonian University). She was the winner of the PRELUDIUM 5 grant (National Science Center) and other scholarships for foreign research and training trips (including SYLFF) to the USA, the UK, Singapore, and Sub-Saharan African countries. Her academic interests encompass intercultural communication, international relations, corporate social responsibility, socio-economic development of Sub-Saharan African countries, and cultural identities.

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Call for Chapters: In/Exclusions. Social Responsibility of Institutions
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