6th TEPE Conference - "Research, Policy, and Practice in Teacher Education in Europe".

Data rozpoczęcia i zakończenia wydarzenia

2012-05-17 - 2012-05-19


Nazwa obiektu: Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji
Ulica i numer: Aleje Ujazdowskie 28
Miasto i kod: Warszawa


Zakład Dydaktyki i Kształcenia Nauczycieli, Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Opis wydarzenia

The theme of the 6th TEPE “Research, Policy, and Practice in Teacher Education in Europe” examines how we can narrow the gap between research, policy and practice in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning at all levels of education. A particular focus of the conference will be an analysis of how teachers actually learn and improve their practice. Narrowing the gap between research, policy and practice demands that we rethink our research priorities and practices, as well as the ways in which we develop and implement policy. There is a pressing need to develop a pragmatic approach to dissemination based on what we know about how teachers actually do learn and improve their practice. The conference will focus on the barriers to teacher education improvement and identify the proven change levers which facilitate improvement One of the aims of the conference is to support a culture of quality improvement in teacher education and professional development through promoting a research interactive partnership between universities, schools, centres for non-formal learning, mediators and policy makers, which can be a basis for knowledge creation and sharing. Central to this aim is the examination of how to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing between educational researchers, policy makers and practitioners across Europe and beyond. The conference organizers would welcome papers which examine:

  • the role of intermediaries in strengthening connections between research, practice and policy in teacher education;
  • the development of quality cultures in teacher education including recommendations for practice;
  • Learning by comparing i.e. cross-national comparisons;
  • Teacher education and responses to intensification of cross-national testing (e.g. PISA, TIMSS-R… etc);
More information on the conference website.

udział w tym wydarzeniu jest bezpłatny

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