1st Copernicus Graduate School General Conference Central Europe on the Threshold of the 21st Century. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Challenges in Politics and Society

Data rozpoczęcia i zakończenia wydarzenia

2012-02-02 - 2012-02-04


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Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland) in cooperation with the University of Miskolc (Hungary) and Palacky University in Olomouc (the Czech Republic)

Opis wydarzenia

The main aim of the conference is to deal with actual issues and their specific formation in Central Europe. The main focus will be set on social perspectives, coping with the transformation process and relations between the state and society. The conference will also focus on the perception of general problems on European and worldwide scale and the influence of the totalitarian past and development deficits on them. The international dimension of the event should lead the participants not only to an explanation of the political, social, economical and cultural phenomena, but also to communication and confrontation of different national perspectives on them. The aims of the conference shall be fulfilled by covering the complexity of social and transnational phenomena and discovering as well as identifying patterns of ongoing developments. The following panels will be created:

  • Identity Issues or Geopolitical Questions
  • Sustainability of the National Concept
  • Political System and Economic Basics
  • The Rule of Law and Threats
  • Central European States as Actors in International Relations
  • Central Europe in the European Union
  • The Place of Visegrad Group after Joining the European Union
  • Central European Civil Societies
  • Cities and Local Politics
  • Cultural and Religious Relations
  • Migration, Communication and Cultural Transfer
More information on the conference website.

Opłaty za uczestnictwo:

100EUR/400PLN with accommodation, 75EUR/300PLN without accommodation

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