Centrality in the Age of Dispersion

Data rozpoczęcia i zakończenia wydarzenia

2024-09-25 - 2024-09-27


Nazwa obiektu:
Ulica i numer:
Miasto i kod:


Chair of Urban Planning and Spatial Management, Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland

Opis wydarzenia

Conference Webpage: https://centrality-dispersion.pwr.edu.pl

Human settlement has always evolved around centres. Be it ancient Greek polis or 20th century neighbourhoods – each of them focused various human activities and formed a specific node  in the geographical space. Changes in settlement structures were considered to be hierarchical and evolutionary. Those natural concentration mechanisms are undermined by various dispersion processes, having multiscalar and temporal character, and thus undermining the well-established settlement structures.

Network society, demographic transitions, global economy, instant communication, teleworking, online services – among others – challenge the urban planning paradigms all over the world.

  • What is special about centrality and dispersion today?
  • What is the current centrality/dispersion balance in urban development?
  • How does urban governance respond to those complex phenomena?

The conference addresses the demand for a new approach in territorial governance, and gathers experts from various scientific disciplines to present their research on urban centres and discuss dispersion occurrences.


Faculty of Architecture

Wrocław University of Science and Technology
ul. Bolesława Prusa 53/55 50-317 Wrocław

DAY 2 + DAY 3

Centrum na Przedmieściu

Centre for Local Activity in Przemieście Oławskie
(Centrum Aktywności Lokalnej na Przedmieściu Oławskim)
ul. Prądzyńskiego 39A, 50-433 Wrocław

More information: https://centrality-dispersion.pwr.edu.pl

Opłaty za uczestnictwo:

200 EUR

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Centrality in the Age of Dispersion
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