Ethics by Design: responsible development of technology in the ESG ecosystem

Data rozpoczęcia i zakończenia wydarzenia

2023-10-26 - 2023-10-26


Nazwa obiektu: Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Organizacji i Zarządzania w Przemyśle „ORGMASZ”
Ulica i numer: ul. Żelazna 87
Miasto i kod: 00-879 Warszawa


Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Organizacji i Zarządzania w Przemyśle „ORGMASZ”

Opis wydarzenia

Conference Ethics by Design: responsible development of technology in the ESG ecosystem – 26.10.2023 on-line

The Łukasiewicz – ORGMASZ, Faculty of Philosophy University of Warsaw

The Center for Ethics of Technology At Humanites Institute

Responsible design, implementation and use of smart technologies lies at the heart of the European approach to digital innovation. It is aptly illustrated by the EC Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI as well as the Regulatory framework proposal on artificial intelligence (AI Act). Nonetheless the values, principles and requirements included in these documents are only the first step to operationalize technology’s governance. For ethical and legal requirements to be effectively put to work, further practical steps are necessary.

Ethics by Design (EbD) is a complex approach that allows systemic translation of high-level principles and requirements into concrete actions aligned with every module of the design process. As such, it is an indispensable component of both tech ethicists’ and tech designers’ toolboxes.

However, the term itself can also be used as a synecdoche and describe more generally technology ethics in its applied form. This broader understanding is the one we refer to in the conference title indicating that technology ethics to be operationable needs to be perceived in its applied context, i.e. as Ethics by Design.

The need to responsibly navigate technology’s development and use in the ever more complex governance landscape can be a serious challenge for organisations but also a chance to become more innovative and have higher valuation while meeting rigorous ethical standards. To this aim however, tech ethics must not be perceived in isolation.

One of the most promising ways to foster the broader adoption of Ethics by Design is framing it in the context of sustainable investing and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) reporting. Both trends are becoming increasingly popular and the technological factor is to play an ever more important role in the ESG mix. This will only become more apparent once the EU AI regulation comes into force.

ESG as a concept dates back to the beginning of the 21st century. Since then, it has given rise to a number of interconnected terms such as the circular economy, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or Regenerative Value Creation (RVC). Nonetheless, regardless of the used nomenclature and the differences between the various concepts – ESG is the idea that companies should not only be concerned about economic interest, but also consider their impact on the environment, local communities and ethical issues.

This call for papers is directed to established researchers connected with research and development fields, ethics, bioethics, philosophy, economics and Horizon Europe programme. We also invite students and junior researchers that just start their work within selected fields and wish to present their findings and ideas. The Organizing Committee has selected a few topics that might be viewed by participants as interesting or stimulating to drafting their own presentation.

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Ethics by Design: responsible development of technology  in the ESG ecosystem
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