2nd International Scientific Conference for Students Animal Science and Aquaculture - challenges and research

Data rozpoczęcia i zakończenia wydarzenia

2023-05-09 - 2023-05-09


Nazwa obiektu: on-line
Ulica i numer: Ciszewskiego 8
Miasto i kod: Warszawa 02-786


The Institute of Animal Sciences, the Polish Society of Animal Production and and Animal Sciences Students Scientific Association

Opis wydarzenia

he Institute of Animal Sciences, the Polish Society of Animal Production and and Animal Sciences Students Scientific Association invite students to attend:

IInd International Scientific Conference for Students „Animal Science and Aquaculture – challenges and research”

that will be held on the 9th of May 2022 with the aim to establish a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience gained by the students of majors related to animal science and aquaculture.

The conference is organised in an online format via the MS Teams platform.

The conference is thematic in nature and, for organizational reasons, all Participants will be asked during registration to choose one of the sessions they would like to qualify their work to:

  • Quality of animal-derived food products;
  • Welfare and health status of animals;
  • Animal feeding;
  • Economics and management of animal production;
  • Physiological and biological determinants of animal production

As part of the Conference, the works are planned to be presented in the electronic form.

Participants who will attend the Conference will be required to submit abstracts in English beforehand. The abstracts will be published by the 15th of May 2023 in the form of the electronic Book of Abstracts. The conference will be held from 09:00 to 16:30.

Obligatory terms:

  1. Registration by the 1st of April 2023
  2. Abstract submission by the 15th of April 2023

Submission of the registration form is tantamount to expressing the will to participate in the Conference and accepting the Conference Regulations. Only active participation in the Conference is possible.

Conference regulaction: Regulation

RODO: rodo.docx

Registration: https://forms.office.com/e/DGLu1H9EfR

Submission of abstract: https://forms.office.com/e/hXADgDeEx8

We will be happy to answer all your questions. Please send your queries to: asaa@sggw.edu.pl

See you at the Conference!

Organizing Committee

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2nd International Scientific Conference for Students Animal Science and Aquaculture - challenges and research
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